Anger Management: Recognizing Warning Signs

The words Anger Management are written in black cursive on an off-white rectangular area surrounded by different facial expressions on wooden circles on a gray background. Mental Health. Coping Skills. Diversion. Warning Signs. Triggers. Anger Log. Time outs

Welcome to week three of anger management coping skills. This week we will go over recognizing warning signs before losing your cool.

If you have missed any part of the series, click here! As always, remember my disclaimer before practicing any mental health information.

What is Anger Management?

These coping skills are techniques and strategies used to deal with and regulate intense emotions, thoughts, and behaviors associated with anger.ย  Anger is a normal and natural emotion, but it can negatively affect your mental and physical health and relationships when it becomes overwhelming.

Some standard practices include:

  1. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques.ย This can help calm the body and reduce physical symptoms of anger, such as a racing heart or tightened muscles.ย 
  2. Mindfulness and meditation.ย This can help individuals focus on the present moment and become more aware of their thoughts and emotions.ย 
  3. Cognitive restructuring. This involves reframing negative thoughts and beliefs that can contribute to anger.ย 
  4. Communication skills. Learning to express anger in a non-threatening and assertive manner can improve relationships and reduce conflicts.ย 
  5. Physical activity. Engaging in physical activity, such as exercise or sports, can release built-up tension and reduce feelings of anger.ย 
  6. Time-out. Taking a break from a situation that triggers anger can give you time to calm down and regroup before responding.


The purpose of the coping skill is to help individuals gain control over their emotions, thoughts, and behavior in situations that trigger anger and to handle conflicts more positively and effectively.

  1. Recognize and understand the triggers that cause anger
  2. Learn to control and regulate intense anger and aggressive behavior
  3. Communicate in a non-threatening and assertive manner
  4. Develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing anger
  5. Improve relationships and overall quality of life.

Do you ever feel like you’re about to blow your top and don’t know why? Chances are, your body is giving you some warning signs that you’re getting angry.

Recognizing these physical signs can help you take control of your anger before it takes control of you. Here are a few physical anger warning signs to keep an eye out for:

  1. Muscle tension: Do your jaw and fists clench up when you’re angry? This is a classic sign of muscle tension and that your body is preparing for a fight.
  2. Increased heart rate: When you’re angry, your heart rate increases, giving you that “fight or flight” feeling.
  3. Sweating: Do you start to sweat when you’re angry? This is your body’s way of regulating your temperature and getting ready for action.
  4. Shallow breathing: When you’re angry, your breathing becomes shallow, which can lead to feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness.

By recognizing these physical warning signs, you can use coping skills and techniques to calm down before your anger gets out of controlโ€”some coping skills to try to include deep breathing, mindfulness, and exercise.

Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health. You can improve your overall quality of life by recognizing these physical warning signs and using coping skills to manage your anger.

So next time you start to feel angry, pay attention to your body and use your coping skills to take control of your anger. Your mental health will thank you!


Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #angermanagement

Anger Management: Diversion

The words Anger Management are written in black cursive on an off-white rectangular area surrounded by different facial expressions on wooden circles on a gray background. Mental Health. Coping Skills. Diversion. Warning Signs. Triggers. Anger Log. Time outs

Welcome to week two of anger management coping skills. This week we will go over diversions and how to use them.ย 

ย If you have missed any part of the series, click here! As always, remember myย disclaimerย before practicing any mental health information.

What is Anger Management?

These coping skills are techniques and strategies used to deal with and regulate intense emotions, thoughts, and behaviors associated with anger.ย  Anger is a normal and natural emotion, but it can negatively affect your mental and physical health and relationships when it becomes overwhelming.

Some standard practices include:

  1. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques.ย This can help calm the body and reduce physical symptoms of anger, such as a racing heart or tightened muscles.ย 
  2. Mindfulness and meditation.ย This can help individuals focus on the present moment and become more aware of their thoughts and emotions.ย 
  3. Cognitive restructuring. This involves reframing negative thoughts and beliefs that can contribute to anger.ย 
  4. Communication skills. Learning to express anger in a non-threatening and assertive manner can improve relationships and reduce conflicts.ย 
  5. Physical activity. Engaging in physical activity, such as exercise or sports, can release built-up tension and reduce feelings of anger.ย 
  6. Time-out. Taking a break from a situation that triggers anger can give you time to calm down and regroup before responding.


The purpose of the coping skill is to help individuals gain control over their emotions, thoughts, and behavior in situations that trigger anger and to handle conflicts more positively and effectively.

  1. Recognize and understand the triggers that cause anger
  2. Learn to control and regulate intense anger and aggressive behavior
  3. Communicate in a non-threatening and assertive manner
  4. Develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing anger
  5. Improve relationships and overall quality of life.

How to Use Diversion

Are you someone who’s ever felt so angry that you want to hit something (or someone)? We’ve all been there, but before you do, let’s talk about diversion. No, not the river kind. The kind that can help you manage your anger and improve your mental health.

Diversion, or coping skills, are simply activities or practices that help you redirect your attention and calm down when you’re feeling angry. Think of them as a mental timeout. They allow you to step back from the situation and regain control of your emotions.

Here are a few diversion ideas to get you started:

  1. Exercise: Whether it is a quick jog around the block or a yoga session, exercise can help release tension and calm your mind.
  2. Music: Put on your favorite tunes and sing your heart out. Or, listen to calming music to soothe your nerves.
  3. Art: Grab a coloring book or a sketchpad and get creative.
  4. Nature: Take a walk in the park or spend time in your backyard. Surround yourself with greenery and breathe in some fresh air.
  5. Humor: Watch a funny video or read a hilarious book. Laughter is the best medicine, after all.

These are just a few of the many coping skills that can help you manage anger. Find what works for you and make it a habit to use these diversions when your anger starts to boil over. Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

So the next time you’re feeling angry, give diversion a try and see how it can help you manage your anger and improve your mental health. Happy coping!

Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #angermanagement

Anger Management: Anger Log

The words Anger Management are written in black cursive on an off-white rectangular area surrounded by different facial expressions on wooden circles on a gray background. Mental Health. Coping Skills. Diversion. Warning Signs. Triggers. Anger Log. Time outs

Welcome to week one of anger management coping skills. This week we will go over anger logs and how to use them.ย 

ย If you want to check out our other coping skill series, click here! As always, remember my disclaimerย before practicing any mental health information.

What is Anger Management?

These coping skills are techniques and strategies used to deal with and regulate intense emotions, thoughts, and behaviors associated with anger.ย  Anger is a normal and natural emotion, but it can negatively affect your mental and physical health and relationships when it becomes overwhelming.

Some standard practices include:

  1. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques.ย This can help calm the body and reduce physical symptoms of anger, such as a racing heart or tightened muscles.ย 
  2. Mindfulness and meditation.ย This can help individuals focus on the present moment and become more aware of their thoughts and emotions.ย 
  3. Cognitive restructuring. This involves reframing negative thoughts and beliefs that can contribute to anger.ย 
  4. Communication skills. Learning to express anger in a non-threatening and assertive manner can improve relationships and reduce conflicts.ย 
  5. Physical activity. Engaging in physical activity, such as exercise or sports, can release built-up tension and reduce feelings of anger.ย 
  6. Time-out. Taking a break from a situation that triggers anger can give you time to calm down and regroup before responding.


The purpose of the coping skill is to help individuals gain control over their emotions, thoughts, and behavior in situations that trigger anger and to handle conflicts more positively and effectively.

  1. Recognize and understand the triggers that cause anger
  2. Learn to control and regulate intense anger and aggressive behavior
  3. Communicate in a non-threatening and assertive manner
  4. Develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing anger
  5. Improve relationships and overall quality of life.

Keep An log

If you have issues controlling your anger, you’re not alone.ย  Keeping an anger log can be a fantastic first step in managing anger effectively. Here’s how it works:

  1. Get a notebook or use a digital note-taking app.
  2. Write down each instance of anger as soon as possible after it occurs. This will help you better understand the pattern of your anger.
  3. Include details such as the date, time, situation, emotions felt, and physical sensations. This will help you identify what triggers your anger and how your body reacts to it.
  4. Reflect on the patterns and common triggers in your anger log. This will help you gain insights into your anger patterns and how you can better manage them.
  5. Use this information to come up with healthier ways to cope with anger in the future. This could be anything from taking deep breaths, practicing mindfulness, or seeking professional help.

By keeping an anger log, you can take the first step towards managing anger and improving your quality of life. So give it a try and see how it can help you!

Check out for a printable worksheet.ย 

Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #angermanagement

Grounding Techniques: Mental Exercises

Grounding technique with green leaves and black lettering on white background. Mental health, body awareness, 54321, mental exercises

Welcome to the final week of grounding techniques.ย  This week, I am covering the ground technique, โ€œBody Awareness.โ€ย  If you have missed any part of the series, click hereย to catch up! As always, remember myย disclaimerย before practicing any mental health information.

What is Grounding?

Grounding is the act of bringing the mind back to the present by distracting it from unwanted activities. The activities can take the form of ruminating thoughts, painful memories, or persistent worrying. Grounding techniques are the mode in which grounding can be achieved. They can be used to help with symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, disassociation, or self-harm urges. The techniques use physical, mental, and soothing methods to navigate a calmer state.

Mental exercises are a type of mental health grounding technique that involves actively engaging and challenging the mind. This technique can help to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and enhance overall mental wellness.

Mental exercises can take many forms, including puzzles, games, and problem-solving activities. Engaging in these activities helps to redirect attention away from negative or overwhelming thoughts and towards a task that requires focus and concentration. This can help to bring a sense of calm and grounding, reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Incorporating mental exercises into a daily routine can positively impact mental health and well-being. For example, regularly solving crossword puzzles or playing brain games can help to improve memory, enhance cognitive function, and reduce stress levels.

It is essential to find mental exercises that are enjoyable and engaging. This can help make the practice feel less like work and more fun and enjoyable. Some popular forms of mental exercise include Sudoku, logic puzzles, and memory games.

Mental exercises can be a helpful tool for managing mental health and well-being and can be practiced anytime, anywhere if you are looking for ways to improve your mental health and reduce stress levels, consider incorporating mental exercises into your daily routine.ย 

Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #grounding

Grounding Techniques: Body Awareness

Grounding technique with green leaves and black lettering on white background. Mental health, body awareness, 54321, mental exercises

Welcome to week three of grounding techniques.ย  This week, I am covering the ground technique, โ€œBody Awareness.โ€ย 

ย If you have missed any part of the series,ย click hereย to catch up! As always, remember myย disclaimerย before practicing any mental health information.

What is Grounding?

Grounding is the act of bringing the mind back to the present by distracting it from unwanted activities.ย  The activities can take the form of ruminating thoughts, painful memories, or persistent worrying.ย  Grounding techniques are the mode in which grounding can be achieved.ย  They can be used to help with symptoms ofย PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, disassociation, or self-harm urges. ย ย The techniques use physical, mental, and soothing methods to navigate a calmer state.ย 

Everyone reacts differently to trauma; it is normal to experience the effects well after the event.ย  People may struggle with flashbacks, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, and anxiety.ย  These experiences can make day-to-day life a struggle, which in turn could lead to depression.ย  Practicing grounding can help keep worrisome thoughts at bay.ย  While you can not change what happened, you can learn how to gain more control of the after-effects.

Body Awareness is a mental health grounding technique that involves focusing on physical sensations in the body to calm the mind and reduce stress. This technique is often used in mindfulness and meditation practices and can be a helpful tool for managing anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

By paying attention to the sensations in our bodies, we can bring our focus away from negative or overwhelming thoughts and get a sense of calm and grounding. This can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression and improve overall well-being.

Body Awareness can be practiced anywhere, at any time, and requires no special equipment or preparation. Simply finding a quiet place to sit or stand and focusing on the sensations in your body can help to bring a sense of peace and clarity.

Some standard techniques for practicing Body Awareness include focusing on breathing, paying attention to physical sensations such as tension or relaxation in the muscles, or simply noticing the feeling of the body as you move.

Incorporating Body Awareness into a daily self-care routine can positively impact mental health and well-being. It is important to remember that developing this skill takes time and practice, so be patient and persistent in your practice.

If you are struggling, consider incorporating Body Awareness into your self-care routine and see if it helps to bring a sense of calm and grounding to your day.

Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #grounding

Grounding Techniques: Categories

Welcome to week two of grounding techniques.ย  This week, I am covering the ground technique, “Categories.” ย 

If you have missed any part of the series,ย click hereย to catch up! As always, remember myย disclaimerย before practicing any mental health information.

What is Grounding?

Everyone reacts differently to trauma; it is normal to experience the effects well after the event.ย  People may struggle with flashbacks, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, and anxiety.ย  These experiences can make day-to-day life a struggle, which in turn could lead to depression.ย  Practicing grounding can help keep worrisome thoughts at bay.ย  While you can not change what happened, you can learn how to gain more control of the after-effects.

Grounding is the act of bringing the mind back to the present by distracting it from unwanted activities.ย  The activities take the form of ruminating thoughts, painful memories, or persistent worrying.ย  Grounding techniques are the mode in which grounding can be achieved.ย  They can be used to help with symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, disassociation, or self-harm urges. ย ย The techniques use physical, mental, and soothing methods to navigate a calmer state.ย 


Today we are going to look at the grounding technique categories.ย Organizing and grouping information is a mental health grounding technique that can help to bring clarity and structure during overwhelming thoughts and emotions. This technique can help to reduce stress and anxiety by making complex information easier to understand and manage.ย This process involves sorting information into similar groups based on shared characteristics or attributes. This technique works by selecting a category and naming as many items as possible. Take your time with each selection, spending at least three minutes on each one.

Some categories include:ย 

  • Countries
  • States
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Books
  • Movies
  • TV Shows
  • Albumsย 
  • Stores
  • etc.

In the context of mental health, organizing and grouping can be used to manage thoughts, feelings, and emotions by focusing on something else.ย ย 

Categories can also be applied to manage tasks and responsibilities, breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts and reducing stress and anxiety.

The methods for organizing and grouping information vary, from writing, drawing, or using a digital tool; it is necessary to find one that fits you and that you enjoy using.

Incorporating this technique into your daily routine can positively impact mental health and well-being. It can bring structure and clarity to overwhelming thoughts and emotions, reducing stress and anxiety symptoms.

If you are looking for ways to enhance your mental health and reduce stress, consider incorporating this grounding technique into your daily routine.


If you find this exercise is not sufficient in distracting your mind, try listing the items in alphabetical order.

Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #groundingHeading Text Here

Broccoli Cheese Soup

My all-time favorite soul-satisfying first-course dish is Broccoli Cheese Soup! Yep, even above Loaded Potato Soup.ย  As you know, I am on a bariatric diet; therefore, I made the alterations to my recipe listed below.ย  The bariatric diet involves low carbs, low fat, and high protein; however, legumes are acceptable.ย  Thank goodness, since chickpea pasta has been my saving grace.ย  My go-to brand is Banza; anyway,ย more on that coming soon.

For this soup to squeeze into the bariatric diet guidelines, I changed the milk, half & hand, and cheese.ย  I used a reduced-fat cheddar cheese, fat-free half & half, and 2% milk. There are tradeoffs in using lower-fat products, which come in the form of texture.ย  Fat is part of the reason; this soup usually is so silky.ย  Now, don’t get me wrong; I only notice the difference in texture because I have had the other very often.ย  One of the ways to get around the texture difference is to blend the soup very well.

Furthermore, a mixture of 2% and whole milk can do the trick.ย  Lastly, using half-reduced-fat cheese and regular cheese will alleviate most differences. After getting used to low-fat eating, these changes will not be as noticeable. There are other ways to combat it, such as using zucchini or cauliflower.ย  Depending on the application, they work out perfectly for you.ย 

In the recipe, I use xanthan gum to thicken the soup.ย  That is just my preference; feel free to use a roux.ย  To use a roux, sprinkle two tablespoons of all-purpose (or gluten-free) flour over the onions, carrots, and garlic.ย  All this to cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, stirring constantly, then proceed with the rest of the recipe as written, omitting the xanthan gum.

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Creamy, comforting broccoli cheddar soup is one of my favorites.ย  Dotted with carrots and broccoli or pureed smooth, it is always a winder.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour
Cuisine: American
Servings: 4
Calories: 441.48kcal
Author: Tay M.


  • 3 tbsp unsalted butter
  • ยฝ cup onion diced
  • 1 cup milk I use 2%,, but whole is fine or non-dairy unflavored
  • ยพ cup half & half
  • 2 cup vegetable stock
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 carrot diced
  • ยฝ lb broccoli Fresh or frozen
  • ยผ tsp mustard powder
  • 1 pinch nutmeg fresh ground if possible
  • ยผ tsp ground pepper freshly ground
  • ยฝ tsp kosher salt
  • 8 oz sharp cheddar cheese fresh grated
  • ยผ tsp xanthan gum


  • Melt the butter in a 2-3 quart dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion, carrot, and ยผ tsp salt. Saute until onions are translucent, about 6 to 10 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 1 to minutes more.
  • Adding vegetable stock, half and half, and milk. Be sure to stir to keep the milk from scorching
  • Add the broccoli, mustard powder, pepper, and nutmeg. Bring to a simmer, cover, stirring occasionally until tender, about 20-30 minutes. If using frozen broccoli, check to see if it's tender after 10 minutes. Add xanthan gum.
  • Remove from heat. Puree the soup with a stick blender or blend to the desired consistency. Remove some pieces of broccoli and carrot before pureeing if you want a chunkier soup.
  • Place the soup back on the heat, turned to low. Slowly whisk in the cheese a ยผ cup at a time, letting each addition melt completely before moving to the next addition.
  • Taste the soup add the remaining ยผ of salt if needed, as well as pepper.


But out any of your favorite cheesese.
Grate your own cheese for a smoother melting cheese.


Serving: 0g | Calories: 441.48kcal | Carbohydrates: 13.7g | Protein: 19.13g | Fat: 35.4g | Saturated Fat: 20.9g | Trans Fat: 1.02g | Cholesterol: 103.62mg | Sodium: 698.22mg | Fiber: 2.52g | Sugar: 7.82g | Vitamin A: 49.22IU | Vitamin C: 60.17mg | Calcium: 54.66mg | Iron: 4.04mg
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Grounding Techniques: 5-4-3-2-1

For May, we are going to be discussing ground techniques. When a person has suffered from a traumatic experience, they are prone to anxiety, flashbacks, and other uncomfortable experiences. Grounding Techniques help control the symptoms by focusing away from troublesome thoughts, memories, or worries by refocusing on the current moment.ย 

ย If you have missed any part of the series, click hereย to catch up! As always, remember myย disclaimerย before practicing any mental health information.


The grounding technique 5-4-3-2-1 involves using your five senses to draw your attention away from disturbing thoughts, memories, or worries. ย As you move through them, the number of items to notice decreases.

To start, we are using the sense of sight. There is more to this than noticing what is around your immediate area.ย  Try to find things you may not have seen before, such as grooves in the wall or spots on the carpet.ย  These looked over items can include light and shadows of various objects. ย Try to notice five different things.

Letโ€™s move on to our next sense, which is touch. Find four things you can feel. Pay attention to how the clothes feel on your body. If you are outdoors or near a window, can you feel the sun on your skin?ย  You can even pick up objects to notice their texture and heft.

Thirdly, what are three things you can hear?ย  During this part of the exercise, you want to focus on the sounds, which generally fade into the background. Such as a fan, a lawn getting mowed, or the sound of music playing.

Smell is the next part of this exercise. Do you notice two scents? Can you smell an air freshener? Is someone cooking food?ย  You may also detect a nearby candle or flowers.

Lastly, what is one thing you can taste?ย  To perform this, you want to have mint or gum handy.ย  Upon arriving at this step, pop into your mouth.ย  Focus on the flavors you are picking up.

Next time you start to feel yourself getting pulled into your thoughts or other symptoms, give this grounding technique 5-4-3-2-1 a try.ย  This technique also works for anxiety.

Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #grounding

Marinated Green Beens

Special of the Month features Marinated Green Beans. ย My impartation for this dish comes from Whole Foods Market. In the deli, they sell a similar recipe, which I love!ย  Unfortunately for me, my local Whole Foods isnโ€™t exactly local. Consequently, I decided to give my hand a try at making this dish.

Something you may not know about me is I do not like soft vegetables. All my veggies have to crisp-tender if they are going to take up space on my plate.ย  These green beans are blanched, just long enough to have the beautiful snap when bitten.ย  Of course, feel free to blanch them to your desired texture.

Ginger, garlic, and toasted sesame oil are one of my favorite flavor combinations. With a touch of sugar or my preference, honey, this comb is the perfect pairing for green beans.ย  Sugar snap peas and snow peas would be equally enjoyable in this.

Soy Sauce Vs. Tamari

As far as the soy sauce is concerned, I prefer reduced-sodium variety myself.ย  If you want a richer flavor go with your favorite Tamari. Tamari is a Japanese version of soy sauce, which is less salty and thicker.ย  However, it may contain wheat depends on the type.ย  Chinese soy sauce is what we commonly use here in the USA.ย  Both are usually readily available in the ethnic food section at most major supermarkets.

Once an hour has passed, be sure to toss the green beans around in the marinade. It is crucial to ensure the green beans get coated evenly.

Serving Options

When the green beans finish, you can eat them cold immediately.

This dish can be served hot. Do not make the ingredients together after the water bath.ย  Instead, heat a little bit of oil in a large skillet to sautรฉ the garlic and ginger for about two minutes. At that point, add in the soy sauce, honey/sugar, toasted sesame seed oil till boiling. Add the green beans and toss to combine, then sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Marinated Green Beans

These green beans are flavorful and crispy.ย  Try them as a snack or side dish hot or cold.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Servings: 8
Calories: 63.89kcal
Author: Tay M.


  • 1 lb green beans fresh, trimmed
  • โ…“ cup soy sauce regular or reduced-sodium
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger grated
  • 3 clove garlic minced
  • 2 tbsp toasted sesame seed oil
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds toasted
  • ยฝ tsp sugar or honey


  • In a large bowl, create an ice bath
  • In a large pot, cover bring several cups of water to boil
  • Add green beans, and blanch for 4 minutes or desired tenderness.
  • Drain green beans and quickly add to an ice bath
  • In the meanwhile, combined ginger, garlic, soy sauce, sugar or honey, sesame seed oil in a ziptop bag or air-tight container
  • Drain green beans and toss them in the marinade. Refrigerate.
  • After one hour, toss green beans in the marinade. Refrigerate another hour
  • Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving


To serve hot omit the ice bath and cooking a minute or two longer.


Serving: 0g | Calories: 63.89kcal | Carbohydrates: 5.51g | Protein: 2.19g | Fat: 4.26g | Saturated Fat: 0.37g | Trans Fat: 0.01g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 587.45mg | Fiber: 1.79g | Sugar: 2.18g | Vitamin A: 2.2IU | Vitamin C: 8.12mg | Calcium: 3.76mg | Iron: 5.14mg
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Mindfulness Techniques: Defusion

Welcome to week four of the mindfulness series. This week closes out the mindfulness series, and I hope you could utilize some of the techniques.ย  Todayโ€™s post is all about using defusion. Defusion teaches you how to separate yourself from your thoughts.ย  It sounds a bit tricky, but keep reading to find out more.ย 

If you have missed any part of the series, click here to catch up! As always, remember my disclaimerย before practicing any mental health information.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a mental health technique that involves bringing awareness and attention to the present moment, without judgment. It is a form of meditation that has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being.

Practicing mindfulness involves focusing on oneโ€™s thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the present moment, without becoming distracted by worries about the past or future. This helps to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve focus and concentration.

Mindfulness can be practiced in various ways, including through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply paying attention to your thoughts and surroundings throughout the day.

Studies have shown that mindfulness can have a positive impact on a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and stress. It can also improve physical health, enhance sleep quality, and improve overall well-being.

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breathing and be present in the moment. With patience and persistence, mindfulness can become a powerful tool for improving mental health and overall well-being.


ย Defusion is a technique that helps you separate yourself from your thoughts.ย  Often we have dark or negative thoughts, which is natural.ย  We must take care not to become our thoughts.ย 

To achieve this, it takes a bit of practice.ย  First, you want to write down any thoughts that disrupt your peace.ย 

Once you have them written down, it is time to put this into practice. There is a two-step process to achieve separating yourself from those pesky thoughts.ย 

The first step is acknowledging the thought by saying, “I have the thought…”.ย  Conclude the sentence with one of the items you have written down. For example, “I have the thought I will never reach my goals.” Say the entire phrase three to five times.

Secondly, add “I notice” to the start of the previous statement.ย  Such as, “I notice, I have the thought I will never reach my goals.” Now repeat this out loud three to five times.

With practice,ย  you will start to notice you feel separate from your thoughts.ย  You will no longer internalize them and realize that they do not define you, regardless of what they may be whispering in your ear.ย ย 

While defusion is beneficial in mindfulness, it is part of ACT.ย  According to NAMI, ACT is defined as “Assertive community treatment (ACT) is a team-based treatment model that provides multidisciplinary, flexible treatment and support to people with mental illness 24/7. ACT is based around the idea that people receive better care when their mental health care providers work together.”

Let me know if you have tried this! Use the hashtags #taysbpkitchen and #mindfulness.