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Food & Cooking
Tay M.

Why I Love to Cook

I love to cook, in case you have not noticed. In my (not so) humble opinion, I tend to be

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Food & Cooking
Tay M.

Chicken Soup and Netflix’s Altered Carbon

The second season of Netflix’s Altered Carbon is here!  I stumbled upon season one quite some time ago. Instantly, I was in love with the concept. The visuals, ideas, and acting were fantastic to me.  After I watched the last episode, I wanted more.  It took a while, but more

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Mental Health Wellness
Tay M.

Self-Care Day

Today, I decided I needed a self-care day. It was a painful, emotional past few months.  I’m finally back in Ohio.  Yet, my tension is still quite high. It has been a while since I had taken some time to myself, alone.  It was time I put everyone else on

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Food & Cooking
Tay M.

A Night Out in Dayton

After being cooped up in the house, a night out in Dayton was on the menu. However, this is my

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