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Food &  Cooking

I have often said food and cooking and mental health wellness are the twin pillars of my life. That statement is 100% true, but there is more to it. Both of the pillars are interconnected. Changes in my mental health typically affect my desire to cook and hamper some of my culinary skills.ย  For example, I used to gauge the time that passed without the use of timers.ย  However, now timers are something I must use to ensure my desired results.ย  I have been using them for several years now; nonetheless, I was not always so accepting. In the beginning, I viewed the use of timers as an undesired crutch instead of a helping hand. Setting the time on the device served as a reminder of a demanded skill, and I hated it.ย  Fortunately, I changed my perspective; I saw the timer as a helpful tool, like my chef’s knife or 12″ skillet. Now with Google Assistant, keeping track of time is as easy as talking aloud.ย  “Hey Google, set a timer for 15 minutes, please,” rolls off the tongue very well. I use the digital assistant on my phone, Nest Mini, Google Home (discontinued), and Google Home Mini.ย  At times I might give Alexa on my Echo Dot (3rd gen) and Echo Show 5 a roll as well, “Alexa, please set a 15-minute timer.ย  My mental health wellness journey has damaged and repaired my kitchen prowess.ย  I continue to find ways to fix or rework lost and damaged skills.ย ย 

Also, when I do not cook for myself, it can cause a spiral of self-doubt and confusion.ย  I have always loved to cook for others, but like many people, the idea of cooking for myself is lackluster.ย  Sadly, in my case, I may masticate over why I am not cooking myself, which can take me down a pretty rocky and confusing path.ย  These nasty thoughts leech into my self-love, self-care, and self-worth and spin webs designed to numb those feelings.ย  Consequently, when mental distractions call my ideas into question, depression can set in and begin to take root in my mind.ย  Happily, I usually can get in there and turn these around pretty quickly.ย  A nice meal prepared by me has long been a way I cheer myself up, even if food delivery services somewhat replaced it during COVID. I thoroughly enjoy eating food made in my kitchen. Furthermore, the act of cooking alone is enough to lift my spirits.ย  As you can see, my cooking adventures can also play the high and low game with my mental health wellness.ย 


Tay Tastes Things (Again)...

Spicy BLT Avocado Toast

  Say it with me, Spicy BLT Avocado Toast. Perhaps I should start off by saying that I did not think I liked avocado for the longest time. I know, I know.ย  What type of self-respecting southern Californian does not like avocado?ย  I swear I did not.ย  Boy, I have
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Introducing Tay Tastes Things

Hey guys! I’m thrilled to bring another segment to the TBPK blog: introducing Tay Tastes Things (TTT)! After over four decades of life, I had a good handle on my
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Taysty Tips

taysty tips

Taysty Tips: Grain, Nut and Seed Meal | Flour Series

Meals: A Delicious and Nutritious Staple in Many Cuisines Welcome to the beautiful world of grain, nut, and seed meals!
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Taysty Tips: Culinary Starch | Flour Series

The Versatile Power of Culinary Starch Welcome to part 7 of our flour series.ย  We are discussing culinary starch, an
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Taysty Tips: Specialty Flour | Flour Series

Discover the Diverse World of Specialty Flours: Beyond All-Purpose ย Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a curious cook, this guide
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Taysty Tips: Ancient Grain Flour | Flour Series

Exploring the Nutritional Benefits and Unique Characteristics of Flours Made from Ancient Grains Welcome to part five of my six-part
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Special of the Month

A Culinary Legacy: Learning from My Mom’s Kitchen

My mom, actually my grandmother who raised me, was an excellent cook and a true food lover. Her kitchen was
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taysty tips

Taysty Tips: Grain, Nut and Seed Meal | Flour Series

Meals: A Delicious and Nutritious Staple in Many Cuisines Welcome to the beautiful world of grain, nut, and seed meals!
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taysty tips

Taysty Tips: Culinary Starch | Flour Series

The Versatile Power of Culinary Starch Welcome to part 7 of our flour series.ย  We are discussing culinary starch, an
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taysty tips

Taysty Tips: Specialty Flour | Flour Series

Discover the Diverse World of Specialty Flours: Beyond All-Purpose ย Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a curious cook, this guide
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