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Dealing with Fear

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It took me so long to understand how much fear I lived with and how it was slowly strangling my dreams and life. I wouldn’t make moves with Simply Catering because I could not see a clear path to success. I was afraid to fail, which meant I was scared to try.

Growing hurts! It is calling “growing pains” for a reason. It is not easy to be uncomfortable. To look myself in the face and say, “I’m afraid,” was one of the most vulnerable feelings I have faced. It seemed like out of the blue when I decided I was NOT going to be controlled by fear anymore. I was going to move in confidence. I was not going to be afraid to fall on my face. I was not going to be scared to be successful. I was not going to be afraid to heal. I was not going to be scared of my best possible self.

With that in mind, I moved 2000 miles away. I gave up some of my independence and freedom by living in another person’s home. I can not express how much it stung my pride. I was a forty-four-year-old woman with a cat, renting a room in someone else’s house, after eight years of being on my own again.

However, I could not get hung up on pride. I need to take these steps back to take steps forward. It has taken almost a year, but I have never felt healthier. Crazy part is, I am not even CLOSE to reaching my goals. Yes, I have GOALS and PLANS! I am not going to let fear stop me from moving towards them, changing or achieving them.

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Picture of Tay M.
Tay M.

I’m the Tay behind Tay’s Bi-Polar Kitchen. I started this blog to share my kitchen and mental health wellness journey. I want to show people they are not alone in their struggles, combat the stigma associated with mental disorders, and be open and honest about their mental health. In my opinion, these three issues stand as barriers to seeking treatment. If this website inspires someone to move closer to mental health wellness for themselves or another, my work has been done.

Welcome to my table; I hope you say a while.

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." - Kahlil Gibran

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