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Kitchen Table Talks

Welcome to Kitchen Table Talks! Let’s chat about Mental Health Wellness, food, cooking, and more at my kitchen table

Thai Beef with Basil

Did You Know Walmart Has Thai Basil? Thai Beef with Basil, came about on a fluke. One day, I was strolling through the produce section of Walmart. Out of the corner of my eye, there was something so astonishing to me.  Thai Basil. At. Walmart.  Without even thinking, I grabbed

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Chicken Soup and Netflix’s Altered Carbon

The second season of Netflix’s Altered Carbon is here!  I stumbled upon season one quite some time ago. Instantly, I was in love with the concept. The visuals, ideas, and acting were fantastic to me.  After I watched the last episode, I wanted more.  It took a while, but more

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